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Through many cancer regiments, the results of the treatments leave the patients with debilitating and most of time deadly side effects such as hair loss, vomiting, weight loss, edema, immune dysfunction, etc. For prostate cancer, another consequence of the treatment can be added to the list: the degeneration of cognitive abilities.Typically, prostate cancer patients go through a treatment known as androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) or hormone deprivation therapy that blocks testosterone production and can slow the growth of the tumor.Though a recent MSNBC article presents the type of cognitive decline as miniscule and limited to functions such as spatial ability and the ability to multitask (and other such actions), can we be certain that the effects of this treatment are as minimal as the mainstrem media make it out to be? I do not think anyone can accurately know the answer to that question, unless there are those who know these effects to be more serious than what is reported here; however, what is sure is that these cognitive decline effects can certainly be avoided through natural means.One way to treat prostate cancer is to cut out low-fat dairy products. Low-fat dairy products are callously promoted under the misconception that saturated fat is unhealthy and "bad" for you. A study conducted by the Cancer Research Center of Honolulu last year found that, after collecting data from 1993-2002 of 82,483 male participants forty-five years old and over, there was a twelve percent decrease in the risk of developing prostate cancer for the whole milk drinkers: there was a sixteen percent increased chance for developing the illness for those who drank 2% milk or skim milk.Another way to treat prostate cancer is to increase the intake of broccoli and tomatoes together. Sheryl Waters of Natural News wrote, when quoting Professor John Erdman of University of Illinois food science and human nutrition, that, "When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's because different bioactive compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways," These documented effects demonstrate the wonderful, yet simple, solution to better health that broccoli and tomatoes provide.Unfortunately, there is another added side effect to the purported treatment for prostate cancer; however, that does not have to be the undue fate of the illness's sufferers. There are natural treatments that can help to restore the physical and mental health of the afflicted.Sources:1. ( ( ( (
التسميات: Prostate cacer, Treatment and Management
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